Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh kitty, kitty, what's in a name? Why can't I just call you kitty?

With my family in town, the holidays so close, an appointment to find out where I stand with my blood on the 21st, and work scheduling me as much as they can, I’m beat. I’m becoming increasingly tired, and some of the unavoidable symptoms of pregnancy are starting to kick in. Of course, by unavoidable, I mean, I escaped the nausea, the mood swings, the bloating. But, the body still has to adjust for the balloon in my gut, and no matter how you look at it, that means the spine is going to be pushed back into a “tail.” So my back hurts, and the blood which has generously decided to pool evenly in my legs causes my ankles to feel weird, and for reasons “unknown” according to researchers (perhaps it has something to do with how active you are plus the increased blood in the legs?) my calves spasm a bit in the middle of the night (at least I can be grateful I haven’t had any Charlie horses). The other night, I would wake, still partially dreaming, to these spasms, which by the way are best and most efficiently gotten rid of my simply flexing the foot, toes towards the knees.
Speaking of waking in the middle of the night, I have been so exhausted lately, partially because of my vivid dreams. Last night I dreamt of a pretty blonde woman, but she had a terrible secret for she was a monster with silver, gloomy eyes. She wanted to tell her son about what she was. Strange? Well Vincent woke this morning, telling me he had a dream we had a boy. When I asked if he was cute, Vincent told me that he was; he had brownish blonde hair but that’s about all he could recall.
I think Vincent really wants a boy, but I still think we are having a girl! Yet, we finally managed to pick out names for either, which we are both satisfied with (well, I didn’t get my way completely with the girl’s name, but I did get the name I wanted for the boy). I hesitate when people ask me names. When I first told my mom about Alicia, she said, “I don’t like it. Sounds too much like Tanicia.” Tanicia, being a girl she didn’t care for, not one tiny bit, stuck in her mind well enough to ruin Alicia’s name at first mention!
Since then, I’ve been wary of telling people. I liked Alicia (well, I prefer Alice). It was listed as being Old German in origin, the meaning being, “noble, exalted,” and is  a form of Alice anyway. So, I have to say in the end, I agree with some women who prefer to keep the name a secret. Seems like once the name is chosen, no one minds and all are accepting. But before hand, it’s as though your friends and family are very liberal with their opinions, as if they are trying to save your child from some devastating fate! Of course, I’m being a bit dramatic, but I see why some people chose to keep it quiet.
Yet, being that I already began telling people the names, I stand by it. I’m happy to announce if it is a boy, we agreed on Cesar. I would have liked the spelling Ceasar, but no matter. I realized it the other day, as I was watching the history channel about Cleopatra. It’s such a noble name, and Vincent likes the name (variation Cesar), so that makes me happy.  The truth is, no matter what, at some point in time or another, my child is probably going to wish she/he had a different name. I do all the time! After all, a name is something like your face. We grow up seeing the same face in the mirror all the time, and we lose appreciation for it, wishing we had a smaller nose or prettier lips. So it’s natural that at some point or another, we’re going to wish for another name, especially if you were cursed like me! In retrospect, my name is not all that awful. It’s the movies featuring Amanda that typically offend me, although there have been a few nice ones (all featuring Amanda as a ‘cute’ sweetheart). Yet I’m ranting again. I stand by our names and if someone doesn’t like them they can kiss it!
However, the middle names are in need of some attention. Vincent favors Siouxsie for a female. I understand he really likes the spelling, but I have never much cared for that name. It sounds so… baby like, and doesn’t seem very complimentary for Alicia. The spelling may be fascinating, but people are not always spelling your name, it's the sound it produces as it emerges from the lips that counts. The boy’s middle name hasn’t had much consideration. The truth is, in my family we follow tradition, in which the middle name is the name of the mother (or in my case, Jean was my grandmother’s name) for females, and the same with males. My brother carries my dad’s first name as his middle name. So that’s what I’ve always come to expect. I don’t view a middle name as something to make up, but rather as a tribute to mother and father.
Well.. I have until the 21st to think about both names, and then we should know for certain if it’s a boy or girl! So there’s still time to think about it, but once I have an itch, I want to scratch it right away!

Above: Random photo of Beowulf, my cat! I helped to name Vince's cat, Draco as well. I wonder if cats ever want to change their name? Or if they secretly laugh at our attempts to "label" them.

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